Oh noooo ..... operation postponed !

Who would have believed it, Skye has a cold. She's been fighting it for a couple of days and we've been dosing up on vitamins and concoctions to no avail.
This morning I emailed Dr T to tell him that she had gotten worse overnight, despite our rather reclusive behaviour this past week. Instead of our 1pm check-in, we went into the hospital to meet the team at 10am for bloods and analysis.
We were seen straight away and the anaesthetist just walked in and said that the operation tomorrow would not be happening as it would be too dangerous.
They took about 30 mins to analyse her bloods, and informed us it was a virus and to go away and get well. The team re-evaluated their schedules and bless them they have come back with next Monday (12th) as our new date. Thank goodness !
So, our new schedule is that we go in on Friday for new bloods, and then check-in next Sunday for the operation; scheduled for Monday 12th at 7am.