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Skye's VBT Surgery @ Simmerath, Germany - March 12th 2018

Her story prior to surgery is here.  

OHBS Surgery - Day 5 (Fri)

Blimey - this journey is such an emotional roller coaster !

Today, we had the most beautiful Scoli family come and visit, they are having surgery next Wednesday and came up to Auckland for the pre-op check. It was so amazing to see some more familiar faces, and Skye loved nattering to them.

Unfortunately as part of this hideous day, the orthopaedic team decided to flippantly bring into a conversation that Skye is beyond the realms of VBT with them because her curves will be too high when she eventually is allowed to have another surgery (in 6 months time).

I'm broken once again, these teams have no idea of the impact that a flippant comment makes to a girl who has just undergone full open heart bypass surgery. She is sitting there in her wheelchair, in a hospital gown, covered in sticky tape and battle scars and now with silent tears falling down her face. I'M SO ANGRY !

And to top it all off, they wont let us home at the weekend as this afternoon Skye's left lung has collapsed :-(. She will be doing physio and exercises throughout the weekend to try and get it re-inflated enough for us to be able to fly.

This evening, we had a really long natter and my beautiful girl has picked herself up, and is still as optimistic as ever about her future. xx

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