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Skye's VBT Surgery @ Simmerath, Germany - March 12th 2018

Her story prior to surgery is here.  

OHBS Surgery - Day 2 (Tues)

As she is in the Auckland City Hospital Adult Intensive Care Unit I cannot stay with her, so I popped across and stayed at Ronald Macdonald House, there are some just amazing & beautiful people in this world who give their precious time to make other's lives better - I'm humbled and tearful at strangers love tonight.

4am - She hasn't slept much and is still groggy from all the morphine but is doing really well.

6am - Had her first few sips of water - boy did she think it tasted good :-)

7am - 9am - Had to leave her as they have doctors rounds during this time, but whilst I was away they took out the two chest tubes that were annoying her, and they've said that slowly but surely her drips and drains will come out.

12pm - They've moved her from Adult ICU to Ward 24B Acute Observation. Basically all good, still in massive chest pain but she thinks the drugs are real good :-).

4.30pm - No change, just drugs and sleepy.

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