What to pack for hospital...

What to pack (less is more)
Arnica Cream
Chapstick (lip balm)
Bandaids and Lavender Oil
Any medicines you normally take
Ice bag
Body Lotion for moisture
Favourite snacks
Throat Lozenges
Flavoured water bottles with squirt tops
Chewing Gum (for moving air around the body) and/or Ginger Chewing Gum for anti nausea
Kiwi fruit juice / Kiwi crush / Prune Juice (for constipation)
Straws (the bendy type)
Hard candy to suck (Ginger is great for anti nausea)
Coffee sachets / favourite tea bags
Face wipes
No Rinse Shampoo Caps (for washing hair without showering)
No Rinse Bathing Wipes (for washing without showering)
Or Baby Wipes
Tissues (for caregivers :-))
Sanitary provisions (for girlies)
Diary & notepad
Pack of playing cards
Of course the devices and chargers :-).
Short extension cord for the devices.
Hand fan (we found one that slots into a mobile phone :-))
De mister (to get some moisture into the air)
Microwaveable heat / wheat pack
Open front PJs
Comfy clothes for the trip home (oversized, open fronted)
Hairbrush / comb & hair ties
Wash & braid hair before going to hospital
Glasses (if you wear them - dont worry about contact lenses)
Warm socks with non-slip soles
A robe, a sleep mask, pillow and blanket
Flip flops (Jandals)
Small cushions for propping yourself up
Neck (travel) pillow