The official letter has arrived - it's on !

We have now received the official letter stating that the Operation Date is Thursday 18th May 2017 - Grandma's birthday :-). We have to go to a clinic the Friday beforehand for a pre-operation analysis, and then be on the ward by 2pm on Wednesday 17th May.
We'll be on Ward 24A, Level 4, Starship Childrens Hospital (09 307 4909). This ward is for congenital neonatal, urology, thoracic, trauma, ENT and surgical oncology.
Apparently some rooms on this ward have a fold down bed to sleep in at night for a single support person. (Unsure of what to do if the room doesn't, but will update if I find out).
Visiting times for other family members are 8am - 8pm. Nearest car park is B, discount vouchers are available on the ward.
- March 29th